Tuesday 16 May 2017


This is the final version of our music video - All that will be done now is post effects and syncing of clips to audio

Thursday 26 January 2017

Evaluation Question 3


Our target audience for the music video was aimed at a niche audience. The audience is specific to the genre of rap music, and especially people who know the artist Tyler the Creator. This is due to the nature of the song and how the theme of it is only really for a specific audience, not something that the general public would really like.


Before we got to work with the music video, we looked at several vloggers on social media who reacted to music videos. These vlogs helped us and gave us a better understanding of how to plan out our media, this is because we could look at the reactions we researched and see how we could really target the audience into hip hop / rap


 These are our class sketches which we used for some parts of the planning stage. The first photo is the plan for our digipak. We incorporated a few of these ideas such as the personalised fonts to draw in our specific target audience. We changed some ideas throughout however the planning stages of the digipak really helped.

In this photo, we were planning for our music video. We were linking everything up and deciding on our target audience, mies-en-scene, locations etc... This was early planning stages so really helped the group set out a plan in order to execute filming and editing.

We used Wordle to group together the lyrics to our song so that the most relevant words could stand out and we could get a clear indication on the most effective words


Our audience interviews gave us insight into what our target audience will want to be expecting from our music video. This helped us plan out the initial ideas and how we were going to structure the music video. We showed a few people from our target audience the original song 'Yonkers', and asked them what they were expecting.

Our pitch plan helped us bring our narrative to life. It guided us create and plan out the ideas we had thought of that would make our music video successful and appropriate for the genre. Overall this pitch plan was very effective in the process of making the music video. For instance it helped us think of the most appropriate mise en scene, narrative, genre, editing techniques and cinematography for our music video.


Social media was important for our group so that we could get specific data and analysis to pin point areas on our music video which were good and which weren't so good - We got feedback from various people about our music video and it was easy to share our work.


YouTube was an important platform for our group as we were able to upload our interviews, work and vlogs to a media platform which enabled us to gain feedback and share our work on social media. Here are the interviews for feedback on our ancillary work and audience expectations


We uploaded several draft versions of the verses of our music video to YouTube so that we could get peer feedback on what was good about it and what we could improve on (e.g. fixing some parts of lip sync) - This feedback meant we were able to go back to specific parts and fix any inconsistencies, errors or work on improvements

Evaluation Question 2

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